Oregano: Your New Secret Weapon for Well-being

The actual word “Oregano” comes from two Greek words meaning “joy” & “mountains”. And the mythology recounts that the Goddess Aphrodite, Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and passion created Oregano and grew it in her own garden on Mt. Olympus.

An oregano plant

Oregano (origanum vulgare) is part of the mint family.  As a mint, it’s super simple to grow. It’s an annual in our neck of the woods as it’s doesn’t take the cold well. If you bring it in, you could probably winter it inside as a house plant, if you have the space for it.

It’s properties include being used as a carminative, an antimicrobial, a stimulating expectorant & diaphoretic, an anti-fungal, and it’s high in antioxidants. 

Oregano’s Energetics

Oregano’s energetics are hot/dry.  Where most of our culinary herbs are warm, oregano is actually hot.

And it isn’t just hot, but it’s a dispersive heat. Meaning the heat spreads throughout the body. This diffusive nature can be used to help break up stagnated states in the respiratory system, the digestive tract and the female reproductive system.


As a carminative it’s perfect for using in our cooking because it’s great for digestion.

It can be used for someone who has a slow or sluggish digestion. Symptoms for this could be bloating, a heavy feeling in your belly long after you’ve finished eating, flatulence or belching.

For the consistent and everyday benefits your digestive system can get from oregano just add small amounts to your food regularly as a seasoning. Or if you’re having a more acute symptom that you want to relieve make a strong tea and sip it slowly.

A chef sprinkling oregano over cooking veggies

Antimicrobial effects

Fresh & dried oregano

As an antimicrobial it’ll help fight off bacterial and fungal infections.

Make a strong tea or use a diluted tincture to spray on or use as a wash to inhibit pathogens on your skin.  And it’s been used internally for digestive pathogens too. 

A tea or a diluted tincture can be used as an effective mouthwash too.

Oregano for Cold symptoms

This is one of those herbs that’s great for when you feel a cold coming on. At the first inkling of catching something drink a strong oregano tea and help stop it before it begins.

Warm oregano tea

Infuse some honey with some oregano and make a tea to help relieve the pain of a sore throat.

Or make a strong tea and tent a towel over your head and use the steam to help disperse sinus and lung congestion.

A nice warm oregano tea or a strong tea in a very warm bath can also help with the fever process by disbursing the heat throughout the body and moving the fever process along. Warming you up and getting the fever’s job done all at the same time. As you drink your tea or after the bath, wrap yourself in a blanket then take a nap and let your body do it’s work.

Because of the hot nature of oregano it can be used regularly by someone who has a constitutional tendency to the cold and damp, or in the short term if you just have a chill. Drink a strong cup of warm tea to help warm you up.

Using Oregano

Oregano used in your food is the easiest way to get the benefits it offers. You can, of course, just cook with it regularly, but you can infuse a vinegar with it and cook with that or make a dressing from it. You can infuse an oil to cook with or infuse some honey for your tea, for toast or to put on rice.

Oregano also makes a great tea. Make a cup using a teaspoon of oregano, steeped for just 2 to 5 minutes and see what it tastes like to you. Then make a tea using a tablespoon of oregano, steeped for 10 minutes. Notice the difference in the tastes and how it makes you feel. This is the best way to realize what oregano can really do for you.

Oregano infused olive oil
Essential Oil

Of course, it can be made into a tincture as well. You can use this by the drops internally or you can dilute it down and use it as a spray or wash externally.

If you decide to use the essential oil, always be sure to dilute the oil in a carrier oil. Because oregano is a very hot oil, it will likely burn your skin. Dilute it 3 drops to an ounce of carrier oil and then do a small test on your skin before using it to make sure you don’t need to dilute it further.


Oregano is an emmenagogue, meaning it can be used to start a delayed period. Pregnant ladies should NOT use more than what you might use to cook with in an ordinary recipe.

However for some folks, ladies who are NOT pregnant, this can be a good thing. Drink as a tea to help get this started, if necessary.

So what do you think? Did you have any idea how useful oregano can be?

Who knew something so simple to get ahold of, could do so many things for you. Give the tea a try. Try the test I talked about a few paragraphs up and see what you think. Notice the differences in how it makes you feel and how it tastes. Once you’ve done that, send me an email or comment below and let me know what you think!


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